Excel Logistics
Excellence to handle your logistics!
Excel Logistics
Excellence to handle your logistics!
Excel Logistics
Excellence to handle your logistics!
Excel Logistics
Excellence to handle your logistics!

Our Scope

  • SOC (Shippers owned containers)
  • Automobiles
  • Aerospace
  • Medical
  • Retail
  • Agricultural equipment's
  • Heavy machineries
Excel Logistic handles the huge amount of volume to the below core areas shipping different vertical commodities of our esteemed clients..
  • Mexico
  • USA
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • European ports
  • China

From planning to final delivery, Excel Logistics provides professional Project Movement services. From initial guidance to total project management and heavy lift transportation.

No piece of cargo is too big or too small… from the smallest machine part to oversized cargo, we offer complete transport solutions.

Key Features
  • Inspection, survey and planning
  • Choice of reliable carriers
  • Customs clearance
  • Delivery to customer

Contact Us