Excel Logistics
Excellence to handle your logistics!
Excel Logistics
Excellence to handle your logistics!
Excel Logistics
Excellence to handle your logistics!
Excel Logistics
Excellence to handle your logistics!

About Excel Logistic

Excel Logistics is committed to providing customers value-added services. We strive to develop a long-term business relationship with our customer, which is founded on our ability to help identify and recommend the best solution for each customer’s business environment.

Excel Logistics is committed to providing customers value-added services. We strive to develop a long-term business relationship with our customer, which is founded on our ability to help identify and recommend the best solution for each customer’s business environment. We strive for continuous improvement in our relationships with customers and our ability to provide quality products and solutions to our customer’s requirements without losing focus of our ‘Right-on-Time’ delivery.

We offer advanced shipping services, customs clearance. We constantly strive to enhance our relationships with core air and ocean transportation partners from whom Excel Logistics demands the highest quality and flexibility in order to give our customers the best services at the most competitive rates. Our experience in various market areas makes our company a reliable partner for all businesses where shipping and transportation is required.

Excel Logistics follows a policy of recruiting professionals with sufficient autonomy in day to day activities. Very high emphasis is put on prompt and effective service and emergency assistance is available “round the clock”.

Company Objectives

Aggressive approach with all the Service providers 100% of customer service, 100% of the time Fostering a culture of goodness & trust Devise new technology & solutions Provides Account Management

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